Thursday 20 September 2012

How has synergy between a film trailer/poster/cover been maintained throughout the marketing process

Synergy is the sale and promotion of a product and all the products versions. The way synergy has been used it reaches out to all different audiences. Weather it be a video game, merchandise, poster, magazine, trailer or film, by getting the audience involved consumers can be prosumers. A classic example of were synergy has been used recently was the awaiting release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 on the 15th of July 2011. Teaser and official posters were produced, video games for various consoles, teaser and official trailers, magazine articles and merchandise.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 is such a good example because of the amount of synergy that has been used surrounding the film. Here is a few examples of synergy used to help enhance the film before it has even be released. The examples used are: the official trailer, two magazine covers, two video games for platforms Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 and finally the official teaser poster. These are all good examples because they help to build up the excitement of the film for the audience.

The release date for the first preview of the film was in March 2011, four months before the release date of the actual film. So even four months before the film was ment to be released the audience's appetite started to build from one a preview months before opening night. The first poster was also released in March 2011 and the first poster contained no actaul information about the film only a tagline saying, "IT ALL ENDS 7.15" giving the audience the release date of the film. The 27th of April 2011 was release date of the first theatrical trailer, this gave the audience so much more information about the film and aloud the audience to see the codes and conventions of the film from just the theatrical trailer. A month after the release of the first theatrical trailer was released multiple posters were released with one or two characters on them with the tagline once again "IT ALL ENDS 7.15" with a background as though there was a battle going on. The publishers of the posters kept all the posters very consistant because they all had the same connventions as each other.

One of the most vitial things about synergy being used is that it is kept consistant throughout, like with the film Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, synergy has been in this case been exceptionally consistant, for example the usage of the tagline "IT ALL ENDS 7.15". This film has been marketed through all different types of media, trailers, video games, posters, magazine covers and merchandising. Harry Potter was already a world wide pheonemon from when the first film in the series was released but all these different types of synergy used has helped to enhance that for the film companies and the audience. Also in my opinion I feel that this much synergy has been used because this is to be the last film in the Harry Potter series and they want the audience to make the most of these extras that have been put  out there for them.


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