Thursday 20 September 2012

Analysis of Magazine Front Cover # 1

This magazine cover from Empire Magazine is advertising Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2. This magazine cover contains a masthead and it is covered by the people in the photograph, (Harry, Ron and Hermione) which implies the audience will know what magazine it is because of the repetitive red font they instantly recognise it as Empire Magazine. The main photograph is taken in a medium long shot which shows the character's full bodies. In this magazine there is no background image which implies that the audience already know who the characters are and what film they are from. Another possible reason for not having a background image is that the magazine editor does not want to give away the setting of the film. The fact that they are holding wands show they are about to fight but the clothing they are wearing is casual which implies that they are not prepared for a battle. Also the fact they are dressed like this in this magazine cover also builds up to the hype of the actual film because in this photograph they are ready for a fight and it is building up to the battle ahead. This magazine's main focus is all about Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2. There is alot of incentives and anchorage text on this cover which try to lure the audience in to buying their magazine. An example of this is the strap-line at the top and bottom of the magazine cover with lexis saying, "FREE SPECTACULAR POTTER PHOTO SPECIAL" This is one of the incentives used on this magazine front cover to lure the audience in. Another lure used is the gold banner in the centre of the page just below the main headline of the magazine giving away the main focus of the magazine. This banner includes desirable elements that the audience will want if they buy this magazine. These are things like the "Free 36 page photo special", "Free collectors' portfolio", "Limited edition cover" and "The complete cast come together for our biggest ever exclusive". These techniques have been used perfectly as a lure for the audience as they are the second most recognisable element aside from the photograph featuring Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger. 

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