Thursday 22 November 2012


1. Paramount

Paramount Pictures logo includes twenty four stars which come from the clouds and circle around a mountain top. The mountain is based on a mountain in Utah in the United States of Amercia. After the stars surround the mountain top then the Paramount logo comes down and fits inbetween the mountain top and the surrounding stars. The ident I have chosen here is the 100th Anniversary ident that Paramount have created to celebrate the company becoming 100 years old. The original ident used by Paramount had twenty four stars because at the time Paramount had twenty four 'stars' or actors contracted to them. So this was a sign of recognition to those actors giving them their own individual star. This ident has reverted back to using twenty four stars 100 years on from when Paramount Picutures first began. I am not going to be using this ident for my film trailer because I don't feel as though this ident suits my genre of film even though it is their most updated ident so that it is not out of date. The reason I am not using this ident is because the colours used in this ident don't comply with the codes and conventions of the horror genre and Paramount Pictures is not well known for horror films.

 2. Lionsgate

The Lionsgate ident inlcludes many mechanical cogs which work in unison and the camera passes through them and out of a key hole. The ident then reveals gates with lions engraved on them and opens to reavel the Lionsgate logo in the clouds. Lionsgate is a very well know company for horror films. Horror films such as the Saw franchise, Texas Chainsaw 3D and The Possession. And currently Lionsgate's highest grossing film is The Hunger Games. Lionsgate was founded on May 26 1986 but at this time Lionsgate was known as IMI Computer Corp. Later on IMI Computer Corp would become Beringer Gold Corp and then eventually Lionsgate Entertainment. Lionsgate is an ident which I am going to consider for my film trailer because of its history of supporting well known horror films. Another reason I feel this is because it has a good colour scheme which complies with the codes and conventions of horror and its marketability.

3. Dreamworks

3. The ident which Dreamworks uses features a boy fishing whilst sat on the moon. The boy is the son of one of the co-founders of Dreamworks, Steven Spielberg. Dreamworks was founded in 1984 and the founders of Dreamworks are, Steven Spielberg, David Geffen and Jeffrey Katzenberg. The ident start offs with a reflection of the moon in a lake and a fishing line with a float hits the water. The rest of the ident is dominated by clouds and space. The camera then travels up through the clouds to reveal a bright white boy fishing whilst sitting on a cresent moon. From this the name of the company Dreamworks appears as it fades in and the letter 'D' is merged with the moon. Dreamworks has distributed films such as Shrek 2, The Island and War of the Worlds. Dreamworks Home Entertainment's ident has connotations of a dream world because it is though you are in a dream because your up in the clouds. Dreamworks' Ident is not an ident which I am going to use because it does not connotate the horror genre because of its colour scheme and music used.
4. Columbia

4. Colombia Pictures' ident features a woman holding a flame torch and clothed in clothes patterned with the American flag. The American flag represents Colombia, a state in the United States of America. Colombia Pictures was founded in 1924 and the original logo didn't feature the woman who represents it today but a female Roman Soldier who held a stick of wheat in her right hand and a shield in her left. The ident starts with a zoom out to reveal the main focus of the ident which is the woman and the bright shining torch. The woman used in this ident now was created from a live painting and was digitally edited to make the woman look more 3D than it's 2D original painting.

5. MGM

5. MGM stands for Metro, Goldwyn and Mayer. MGM was founded by Marcus Loew and the names Metro, Goldwyn and Mayer stand for Metro Pictures, Goldwyn Pictures Corporation and Louis B. Mayer Pictures. The name was created when founder Marcus Loew took control of these companies. MGM has Incorporated a lion into every ident which they have created since the company was founded in 1924. MGM is famous for distributing famous cartoons such as Tom & Jerry and Droopy. There have been six lions used since the start of MGM and all have their own names, the first lion used was Slats the Lion and was used between 1917-1928, the second lion was called Jackie the Lion and was used from 1928-1956. The third lion, Tanner the Lion used between the years 1934-1956 during which time they swapped between Tanner and Jackie. The forth lion, George the Lion, used between 1956-1958 and lastly Leo the Lion used from 1957 to the present lion which we see on our screens today. MGM also used to feature parody idents by using such characters as Tom from Tom & Jerry insted of the lion for selected episodes. This ident is very simple but rememberable because all it features is the lion and its surroundings. The lion lets out a big, loud roar to the audience. This is an ident I will consider because of its connotations. Black which is the colour that dominates the ident has connotations of death so it will relate well to my film genre.

6. Pixar

6. The ident here for Pixar Animated Studios is a very simple ident. This ident has a duration of thirteen seconds and involves a still logo of the word Pixar on a light blue background and a table lamp hoping over to it and squashing the letter 'I' and therefore taking it's place. Pixar is famous for the distribution of Toy Story 1,2 and 3, Monsters Inc. and Finding Nemo. Pixar is used for animated films and does not relate to the horror genre that my film is. Pixar was founded in 1979 as the Graphics Group. Pixar's ident does not have any connotations of the horror genre what so ever. The colour scheme is to bright and is to friendly to be a horror film ident.

7. Walt Disney

7. The Walt Disney Company was founded by the brothers Walter and Roy Disney in 1923. In the present day Walt Disney is a household name across the World for its deserved fame. The ident I have chosen here features the Cinderella Castle which is featured in every Walt Disney theme park in the world, by a lake. Star dust travels over and falls onto the castle with the words Walt Disney Studios appearing on the ident. This is an ident which does not favour my genre of film because it does not follow any codes and conventions of the horror genre what so ever. This ident is mainly used on children's films such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Brave and The Muppets. These films are in the catorgy of the family films genre. The colours used in this ident also do not connotate horror because of the bright lights of the castle which also connotates princesses because a princess lives within a castle. And also the star dust used aswell which has no connotations of horror so this isn't an ident which will feature in my trailer.

8. Universal Studios

8. Universal Studios was founded in the year 1912 and is currently this year celebrating it's one hundred year anniversary. Universal Studios is the longest running motion picture studios outside of Hollywood. It is currently the third longest living motion picture studios in the world, coming third to Gaumont Pictures and then Pathe and the fourth oldest is Paramount Pictures. Universal Studios has distributed films such as American Pie, Babe, Fast and Furious and Jurassic Park. Universal Studios ident starts off were the audience can see the planet Earth from space and the words in gold and silver says Universal and under that 100th Anniversary circles to the front of the Earth as the camera zooms further out. This is an ident which I am not going to use for my film trailer because it does not contain any connotations of horror.

9. 20th Century Fox

9. 20th Century Fox was founded in the year 1935 after merging with Fox Film Corporation which was founded twenty years earlier by William Fox and also merging with 20th Century Pictures which was founded by Darryl F Zanuck in the year 1933. 20th Century Fox is best known for films and television programmes such as Star Wars, The Simpsons, Family Guy, Die Hard, Planet of the Apes, Home Alone and Ice Age. 20th Century Fox is a member of the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA). 20th Century Fox is not well known for horror films and their ident doesn't display any codes and conventions which comply with the horror genre. The ident is to friendly and the colour scheme is to bright so therefore will not work. The ident starts off with an upbeat drum beat so straight away the codes and conventions of horror are not there. The camera tilts and zooms out to reveal the 20th Century Fox logo on top of a hill overlooking a city with spot lights shining onto it. With the bright lights, music and the colour scheme this ident does not display any codes and conventions of horror so I will not be using it for my film.

10. Warner Bros.

10. Time Warner is the parent company of Warner Bros. from 1989 onwards and was founded in 1918 as Warner Bros. Studios by four brothers called Harry, Albert, Jack and Sam Warner. Warner Bros. has encorporated many different logos over the years since 1918. Here is all of the logos Warner Bros. have used:

From 1923 the logo used by Warner Bros. is predominantly a shield up until 1972 - 1984 were the logo used, known as "The Big W" is an curved square on a plain black background. This is a simple logo but the logo designers changed from 1984 back to the original shield. Warner Bros. ident starts off with a view of Warner Bros. Studios with a gold shade to the image. From this the Warner Bros. logo is revealed as the camera zooms out and the shield rotates into place in the centre of the frame. Warner Bros. ident is not an ident which I am going to use for my film trailer because with the colour scheme and friendly appearence this ident does not display any of the codes and conventions of the horror genre and therefore will look out of place in my film trailer.

My Chosen Ident

The ident which I have chosen to use for my film trailer is ident number 2 which is the ident used by Lionsgate. I have chosen this ident because of its well known fame for distributing horror films, this gives my film trailer good marketability because of it's well known success. Another reason is because of the colour scheme which this ident has, most of the ident is darkened and black which have connotations of death and complies with the codes and conventions of the horror genre.

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