Friday 16 November 2012

Film Poster and Magazine Cover Mock Ups

In this post I have created mock Ups for my film trailer poster and my film magazine cover. From these mock ups I have created the real poster/magazine cover and I will decide which one fits the codes and conventions of a poster and magazine cover and use them as my final piece.

Film Posters

After designing five poster mock ups for a film poster and then creating the poster itself using Adobe Photoshop. Each poster follows the codes and conventions of a horror film poster. They all contain the film title, a main image, billing block, tagline and release date. After constructing each mock up into a real poster and can now decide which poster I am going to use and develop into my final film poster. The poster I am going to use for my final film poster is the first poster. The reason for my choice is that unlike the other posters, this poster has all the features and applies to all the codes and conventions of a film poster but every feature is equally spaced out across the poster unlike the others which look like they contain to much information even though it is the same amount as the first. What I like about the poster is that the main focus is the kid in the poster, and only his legs and waist are covered by text and you can still see clearly what he is doing in the poster and doesn't lose the point of the image. I have kept the font of the text the same and the font I have used is Chiller, the reason I kept it the same is to keep the poster consistant. As well as the colours of the poster and text, all the text and the image included have a luminous red or orange glow that is also to keep the poster consistant and apply to the codes and conventions of a horror film poster.

Magazine Covers

After designing four film magazine front cover mock ups and then the four magazine covers on Adobe Photoshop for my project I can no decide which cover I am going to use and why it is I have chosen this. I have followed the codes and conventions of a magazine front cover by using a masthead, main headline, pugs, datelines/pricetags, support story, barcode and issue numbers. The magazine from cover which I am going to use is the first poster I have created. The reason for this is of the overall layout of the front cover which I prefer to the other three front covers. Unlike the other three covers the first front cover's masthead looks like it belongs to a film front cover magazine because of it's bold serif font it has. Unlike the other three which masthead font resembles more a music magazine front cover and does not comply with the codes and conventions of a film magazine front cover. When comparing the bold, serif font called ''Old English Text'' to other film magazines like "Empire" and "Film" this font is very similar and has an eye-catching appearance.

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