Thursday 22 November 2012

Actors List, Mise en Scene and Props List

Actors and Mise en Scene


1. Joe Westall - Joe's character is a painter so his costume had to resemble the costume of a painter. He is wearing brown overalls covered with paint splatter. He has a paint bucket were he holds his paintbrushes, a wool hat and steel - toe capped boots aswell. The reasons that he wore these was that his character was a painter so I had to make him look like a painter so the audience would know what kind of character he is.


2. Chris Lille - Chris' character is a labourer so he wore a grey polo shirt with a company logo on it. He also wore black work pants and black steel - toe capped boots aswell. The reason he wore these was because a typical labourer wears work pants and steel - toe capped boots for safety reasons. This was also to make Chris' character more realistic to the viewers. The props Chris used was a tool box and the reason he had this was so he looked more like a labourer.


3. Elliot Hardie - My character was the boss as well as a builder. My costume I wore a grey jumper, navy work pants and black steel - toe capped boots. The props for my character were a tool box, paper, a tool belt in which I carried a hammer and work gloves that were attached to my pants.


4. Kirsty Pierce - Kirsty's character was a labourer. She wore black company overalls with boots and a highvisability vest aswell. She had to resemble a labourer and by her costume and props she did. The high vis vest is put in place because she didn't look like a worker when she didn't wear it and for that reason I made her wear it.


5. Matthew Hardie - Matthew is the villain in this trailer and plays a possessed school boy who never leaves the school. Because he was a school pupil in this trailer he wore his school uniform but we made it look untidy by lowering the school tie and untucking half of his shirt. He wore black make-up around his eyes to make his eyes look darker when on film. The props that Matthew used was a hammer which is used as a weapon.

Props Used
1. Paint Bucket
2. Paint Brushes
3. Tool Boxes
4. Hammer
5. Screwdriver
6. Clip Board
7. Paper
8. Tool Belt
9. Keys

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