Monday 19 November 2012

Film Poster Development


1. First stage of development: In this stage I inserted the picture I wanted to use for my film poster, the picture I have used is Matthew (The Villain) staring out of the window. The main reason I chose this image was because of the effect the lighting outside the building had on the picture. Giving the picture a horror effect. All I did to this picture when editing it was change the contrast to make the picture look darker than it already was and the bright orange light I enhanced the lighting to make Matthew stand out more in the reflection in the window. 


2. The second stage of development when creating my film poster is adding the title to the film on the poster. The font I have used is the Chiller font which gives the text a horror look about it and complies with the horror house style. The size of the text is used to make it stand out and the audience know this is the title and is the most important piece of text used on the poster because it is the biggest. Also I have positioned the title just under the middle of the picture this way you can see the top half of Matthew clearly and there is still room to fit text underneath the title in the bottom half of the poster. The effects I have used on the text is a stroke effect. This allows the colour of my text to be black which complies with the codes and conventions of the horror genre. This effect gives the text its red outline.

3. The third stage of development of my film poster is that I have added a tagline for the film which says, 'THE PUPIL THAT NEVER WENT HOME'. The font used for the tagline is Chiller again, this is to keep the poster consistant with style of text and still complies with the codes and conventions of the horror genre. The colour of the text is white as it stands out on the background behind it and the font size is smaller than the title because it is not ment to stand out as much. A Billing Block has been used under the title with a list of the production companies, producers, directors etc. actors list, websites, social networking sites and where the film can be viewed. The text again is Chiller font and the size of the font is 6pt and 8pt. The effects used on the Billing Block is an outer glow and a stroke effect. Even though the text is small these effects make it stand out more.


4. In the next stage of development with my film poster I have included the production companies' logo which is 'Liongate' and the date line at the bottom of the poster with the release date of the film which is December 24th 2012. The date line has a bigger font than the Billing Block as it is of more importance. This is what tells the audience when the film will be released. The font used is again Chiller to keep the poster consistant with the codes and conventions of the horror genre and the colour of the text is white to make it stand out. The logo of the production company for the film, 'Lionsgate' is the actual lionsgate logo. To get it to look like this I inserted a picture of the logo, deleted the background and added a stroke effect to it giving the logo its outline. Now the logo complies with the horror codes and conventions and has incorporated it's own unique look to comply with the film itself.

5. The fifth stage of development for my film poster is that now added to the poster is the 'Restricted logo' and another logo of 'Thomas-Hardie Studios'. Adding the restricted logo to the poster has gave the audience what kind of audience the film will be aimed at. When a restricted logo is included the minimum age for someone to see a film is 17 years of age. This tells the audience it is a film that is aimed at older people and to scary for younger children. The Thomas-Hardie Studios logo has a more friendly feel about it and the font style is Forte which gives the text a Serif look to it. The colour is white and has an outer glow and stroke effect on the text.


6. The sixth stage of my film poster development is that two more logos have been added. The first logo imported is the 'IMAX' logo which tells the audience that the film will be shown in IMAX format and enhances the audiences filiming experience. The other logo imported is the 'ODEON' cinema logo. This is to show were the film will be shown.


7. This stage of development of my film poster is that firstly I have added an outer glow and stroke effect to the tagline at the top of the poster. This makes the poster stand out more and with the airy glow of red which is a connotation of blood and danger the text now complies more with the codes and conventions of a horror film. The next effect I have included is the Bevel and Emboss effect as well as the outer glow effect on the film title. The Bevel and Emboss effect creates an effect were the text now has a reflective glow coming from parts of the text. The glow makes the text stand out alot more and fits into the horror genre because of the red glow which connotates danger, fear and blood. I have also turned the contrast of the main background image down even further to make the picture even darker. I have enhanced the contrast slightly on bright areas such as the window sil and Matthew's body and face. The last effect which I have included is on the date line at the bottom of the page. I have again used an outer glow and stroke effect to make the dateline stand out.


8. After adding all the effects to my film poster I had realised that I have made a few mistakes that I had to change. First of all I had to change the tagline because it was grammatically incorrect, the tagline first read, "THE PUPIL THAT NEVER NEVER WENT HOME" I had to change the tagline to, "THE PUPIL WHO NEVER WENT HOME" so that the tagline was grammatically correct. I have also rearranged the bottom half of the poster containing the billing block, dateline for the release date of the film and all of the company logos including an IMAX, Odeon, Restricted, Thomas-Hardie Studios and Lionsgate logo. I have repositioned the logos so that they are across the bottom of the poster, the reason I have done this is because the posters that I have analysed in my research have the logos at the bottom of the poster. I have repositioned the dateline just below the title and moved it from the bottom, this is because of the same reason I moved the logos to the bottom of the poster.


Everything that I have used to create this poster have been done for a reason. I have kept the poster consistant throughout using the same font style which was 'Chiller'. This font is a horror style font and complies with the horror codes and conventions. I have used and outer glow and stroke effect for all of the text to make it stand out and I have purposly used a image which is mostly dark to comply that my film poster is for a horror film. 

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