Thursday 21 June 2012

Introduction Blog - A2

Hello and welcome to my A2 Media Studies blog.

This is my first post for my A2 Level in Media Studies.

My blog I will include updates of my work on a regular basis. In my blog I will be creating a promotional package for a new film. This will include filming and editing my own film trailer which will be no longer than 2 minutes long on my chosen genre of film. I will be creating my trailer with the following three things:

1. My film trailer
2. A magazine front cover featuring my film
3. And lastly a poster for my film

My blog will include extensive research of film trailers, posters and magazines. I will be creating a questionnaire to find out what genre of film trailers is most popular and base my trailer upon these results.

The two posters above in this post are from the blockbusters, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 and Sherlock Holmes. Posters such as Harry Potter in this instance use a 'tagline', "IT ALL ENDS 7.15" with the poster showing the two main characters so you know they are the main focus. By using the date in the Tagline it hypes the film up so that on the significant date 7.15 so that it is an event that cant be missed and will remain in people's heads forever. An example of a significant date that no one will forget is the tragedy 9.11. This is the same for the Sherlock Holmes trailer except a tagline has not been used but the graphology shows the audience that Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson are the film's main characters.

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