Tuesday 26 June 2012

Definition of a Film Trailer

What is a film trailer?

A film trailer or preview is an advertisement  that advertises a film that is due to come out to cinemas in the future. Trailers or previews were originally shown before and after a film in the cinema. It got it's name 'Trailer' because it 'Trailed' on after the film had finished. Trailers are usually between thirty seconds and no more than two minutes long. Trailers are made from a series of shot types from the film it is advertising. The purpose of a trailer is to lure the audience in to watch the film it is advertising. Trailers are an abbreviation of the film, showing short and snappy clips of the film without giving to much away about the story line to the audience. They want the audience to go see the film so they find out what happens. This is a great luring technique.

This trailer is from the film 'The A Team'.

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