Wednesday 27 June 2012

Media Products

There are three media products which I will be studying thoroughly and they are film trailers, film posters and magazine front covers.

Film Trailer:

A film trailer will be shown on television or before the film in a cinema, trailers can be found on the internet on websites such as Youtube. A trailer is usually first advertised before a film in the cinema. Trailers are usually kept under two minutes long in length. Before the official trailer is released a 'Teaser' trailer which lasts for about thirty seconds is released giving the audience an idea of the film. The official trailer is designed to excite, trill and lure the audience to go see the film. Trailers provide the most information about a film because they show the audience clips of the film cutting from one action to another to attract the audience and lure them in. Even though trailers show clips of the film they try not to give to much away because they don't want to reveal the story to the audience before they see the film making the audience want to see the film.

Film Poster:

Film posters are displayed everywhere from inside a cinema to street corners and they provide the audience with a single image of the film. The film posters are used to advertise the film. Posters usually show the main character from within that film. Posters are very attractive and eye-catching and entices the audience to watch the film trailer and then see the film.
Below I have used the official poster from the new film, 'The Dark Knight Rises' were Batman is the main focus of the poster with an explosion in the background shaped like the Batman Symbol which suggests there is going to be action in this film.


Magazines also advertise the film and usually give them a review inside of the magazine and a rating. When magazines advertise a film they are trying to get the film gain more and more popularity. This also gives the reader a chance to read about the film and build upon their knowledge of the film.

My Chosen Genre

My chosen genre of film that I am going to research is horror. My film trailer will be a horror trailer which will require me to study in depth horror film trailers and horror film posters. I will be analyzing horror film trailers and posters to identify the codes and conventions of the horror genre as this will help me with the filming and editing of my trailer. I will looking at film trailers and posters such for horror films such as 'Halloween', 'See No Evil', 'The Woman In Black', 'The Devil Inside' and many more.

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Definition of a Film Trailer

What is a film trailer?

A film trailer or preview is an advertisement  that advertises a film that is due to come out to cinemas in the future. Trailers or previews were originally shown before and after a film in the cinema. It got it's name 'Trailer' because it 'Trailed' on after the film had finished. Trailers are usually between thirty seconds and no more than two minutes long. Trailers are made from a series of shot types from the film it is advertising. The purpose of a trailer is to lure the audience in to watch the film it is advertising. Trailers are an abbreviation of the film, showing short and snappy clips of the film without giving to much away about the story line to the audience. They want the audience to go see the film so they find out what happens. This is a great luring technique.

This trailer is from the film 'The A Team'.

Thursday 21 June 2012

Introduction Blog - A2

Hello and welcome to my A2 Media Studies blog.

This is my first post for my A2 Level in Media Studies.

My blog I will include updates of my work on a regular basis. In my blog I will be creating a promotional package for a new film. This will include filming and editing my own film trailer which will be no longer than 2 minutes long on my chosen genre of film. I will be creating my trailer with the following three things:

1. My film trailer
2. A magazine front cover featuring my film
3. And lastly a poster for my film

My blog will include extensive research of film trailers, posters and magazines. I will be creating a questionnaire to find out what genre of film trailers is most popular and base my trailer upon these results.

The two posters above in this post are from the blockbusters, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 and Sherlock Holmes. Posters such as Harry Potter in this instance use a 'tagline', "IT ALL ENDS 7.15" with the poster showing the two main characters so you know they are the main focus. By using the date in the Tagline it hypes the film up so that on the significant date 7.15 so that it is an event that cant be missed and will remain in people's heads forever. An example of a significant date that no one will forget is the tragedy 9.11. This is the same for the Sherlock Holmes trailer except a tagline has not been used but the graphology shows the audience that Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson are the film's main characters.