Friday 19 October 2012

Location Photos and Shots List

In this post it shows photographs that I have taken and they show where I will be shooting my film trailer. I am filming my trailer at Deyes High School in Maghull, I will be using the outside of the school, the school enterence, hallways/corridors, classrooms and other areas around the school.

Shots Used:
Point of View Shot
Over The Shoulder Shot

Close Up

Extreme Close Up

Establishing Shot

Long Shot

Medium Long Shot

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Time Management

I have created a table which shows how I have managed my time and what I have done and when.



Vladmir Propp Theory

Vladimir Propp is a Russian Theorist who developed a theory know as the character theory. He did this whilst studying media texts and productions. The character theory has eight main areas or character types. He found this from the hundreds of tales which he continuously analysed. The eight character types are:

I will use reference from the fairy tales of the Shrek sequel films, Shrek, Shrek 2, Shrek The Third and Shrek Forever After.
The Helper

The helper is a character who helps a character throughout his quest or sidekick. For example in the film Shrek, his helper or sidekick is Donkey. They are characters who see the best in the person they are helping and always support them and back them up.

The Villain

The villain is the arch enemy of the hero. The villain will always end up second best to the hero and tends to always struggle to them before hand. The villain's motive is always controlled by money or power. The villain in the first Shrek film was a character know as Lord Farquaad who is a character after perfection and power.

A Princess

A princess in these tales is the number one prize. The hero tends to have to rescue the princess and at the end of the story the hero will marry the princess. In this case for Shrek Princess Fiona, she is the typical princess character, locked away in a tower waiting to be rescued by her prince.
Princess' Father

The princess' father is a character who is already dead before the film or dies during the film. In Shrek the Third Princess Fiona's Father dies from a sickness.
The Donor

A donor is a character who gives the hero something to help them on their quest. This can be anything from a weapon or magical object. An example of a donor in the Shrek films is a character called Merlin. He is a wizard who transports Shrek, Donkey and Puss to Far Far Away.

The hero is the main character in fairy tales. They are the main focus of the film/book and they are usually having a running battle with the villain. The hero always weds the princess. An example of a hero is Shrek himself. He originally rescues Princess Fiona from the tower and then later on in the film he marries her.
The Dispatcher

The dispatcher is the character who makes the story known to the hero and sends them off onto their quest against the villain.

False Hero

Every film has its false hero. They are a character who takes credit for something that the actual hero has done. The false hero in the Shrek film sequel is Prince Charming. He is a character who tries to take credit for something Shrek had done in the 2nd film by pretending he was him. He wants it the easy way, he does not work or earn for what he deserves.

Judith Butler Theory

Judith Butler was born in Cleveland, Ohio, America and is well know for being a post structuralist philosopher. Here I will talk about one of her theories, 'Queer Theory'

Queer Theory

Judith Butler is prominently involved with the analyses of sex and gender. Butler argues that gender and sexuality is not an essential truth derived from the body. Judith said,
"Gender is the repeated stylisation of the body, a set of repeated acts within a highly rigid reulatory frame that congeal over time to produce the appearance of substance, of a natural sort of being." Judith focused on the production of gender and she analysed what cultural work is done by the representation of gender as an expression which is natural. She argued that the heterosexuality status is the default status for sexuality. Butler also said,
"The notion that there might be a 'truth ' of sex, fourcault ironically terms it is produced prescisely through the regulatory practices that generate coherent identities through the matrix of coherent gender norms.

Monday 8 October 2012

Todorov's Equilibrium Theory

Tzvetan Todorov was born in Bulgaria and is a well known philosopher.

He had made simple the idea of narrative theory whilst he allowed a more complex interpretation of film texts with his theory of Disequilibrium and Equilibrium.

Todorov's Theory is:
  • A state of equilibrium which is everything as it should be
  • Disequilibrium which is when it suffers some sort of disruption
  • At the end if the narrative a new equilibrium is then produced
There are five stages of the narrative it can progress through:

1. Everything as it is supposed to be (a state of equilibrium)
2. A disruption of that event in the order its supposed to be
3. Recognising that the disorder has happened
4. Repairing or attempting to repair the damage of disruption
5. Restoring to a state of a new equilibrium

Narrative is seen as a circular structure not as a linear structure and attempts to restore the equilibrium drive the narrative along. On the other hand the equilibrium earned at the end of the story isn't the same as the first equilibrium.

Tzvetan Todorov argues that a transformation is involved in the narrative. This is because the subjects are transformed throught the progress of disruption. When disruption occurs it is usually taken place outside the normal social events.

  • Narratives do not need to be linear but can be
  • A transformation will always occurs during the process of the first initial equilibrium to restoration
  • Whilst seeking a new equilibrium there can be many disruptions
  • The middle period of the narrative can depict actions that happens in everyday habits and routines.